Accredited Cosmetology Schools

Accredited Cosmetology Schools

Finding the Perfect Cosmetology School for You Students interested in pursuing a career in the beauty industry will want to start by completing an internal analysis of priorities.  Your priorities and goals are unique as should your choice in schooling.  Start by reading our College Admissions Guide followed by our Cosmetology Career Guide and then…

Career Colleges in America

Career Colleges in America

What is a Career College? A career college is a higher education institution that is focused on teaching transferrable skills and industry-specific knowledge for a defined career path.  A traditional associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree program, on the other hand, requires students to study core curriculum such as philosophy and creative writing regardless of your…

Graduate Schools in the U.S.

Graduate Schools in the U.S.

What is Graduate School? Graduate school is an advance study of a trade, profession, and/or academic discipline.  Historically, a graduate school has been associated with an academic endeavor.  Meaning students would focus on creating original works of research in a defined area of interest.  Today, graduate students can also elect to pursue an advanced professional…